Saturday, April 28, 2012

"You smell nice"

"Thats probably becuase teenagers like the smell of a wallet opening.."

"No, you a Mum"

"You what?"

"And I love you and I'm going to hug you right here in this shop!"

Maybe, just maybe, after 17 years I am finally getting good at this mothering thing...


Lynne with an e said...

Or is it the other way round?

Owen said...

Whichever way it goes, it's nice to get a little appreciation once in a while, eh ?

Thanks for the Pogues there too in last post... enjoyed hearing that again, while sipping a beer...

Steve said...

Was there ever any doubt?

Chantel said...

*chuckle* loved that "opening of a wallet" line. And congrats, public hugs are to be cherished!

The Sagittarian said...

Louciao-I do often wonder about that!!

Owen-It sure is, and seems even more special when it's outta the blue!

Steve-some days...

Chantel-hello there! I reckon my 2 girls can hear a wallet opening from a mile away! :-)

Marginalia said...

God, how embarressing!

Why can't teenagers just be ...human once in a while.

VioletSky said...

oh dear lord, the shame of being shown love in a public place. I do hope you can get over it and show your face in this shop again.