I left my house around almost dusk, the sky was turning into that turquoise blue with orange-tinged edges and some stars were starting to wink at me. "Go to the beach, find the moon" they taunted. So I went. Only 15 minutes away I found myself down at the wayters edge, and the sky had turned inky black. Clouds.
So, I made the best of a bad situation and took some photos of our Pier. I didn't know that at night it is lit up, and that the lights change colours.
I was almost the only person around (there was a guy who darted into the public loos), the sound of the waves was the oinly sound to be heard. Magical.
In the second photo you can see how the lights changed, I prefer the first one myself. The Scowly Teen wants to come with me on another night and see what she can capture (altho' I suspect a trip to KFC or Burger King might also be demanded).
Anyone else want to come with me on a night shoot?