Monday, October 04, 2010

Moggy Monday

My Cat

- by Amanda Stephens

My cat likes to hide

My cat likes to ride

My cat likes to sleep

My cat likes to peep

My cat creeps.

My cat likes to roll and run

My cat likes to have fun

My cat likes to clean his paws

My cat likes to sleep in drawers

My rumbustious cat SNORES!


VioletSky said...

I had a cat once who snored so loudly, she would wake me up from the other room. I used to think that if I wanted to sleep with someone who snored I could have married...

haha word verification is "vetshot"!!
you could not make that up!

VioletSky said...

...and I had to google rumbustious - I thought you had made it up.

Steve said...

A cat truly worthy of an ode if ever there was one!

Lynne with an e said...

A rumbustious cat! A wonderful word for a wonderful cat. Such a handsome devil. No wonder you are smitten and bemused and waxing poetic.

Anonymous said...

A further proof that cats are poetry.

Please have a wonderful Tuesday.

daily athens

Meggie said...

Ah the joy of cats. We had one who was afraid of birds!

The Sagittarian said...

Violet-Word verification can get things so right sometimes eh!

Steve - oh thank you sir!

Louciao- I do love that word I have to say, always finding new places to use it. And Ernie does deserve the best...

Robert- a yes, they are poetic are they not.

Meggie-afraid of birds? Thats as bad as the cat I had with an allergy to fleas!

Owen said...

Ah, a snorkeling, rumbustious cat... the best kind...

Hope all is well down under sis, that what was shaken up and fallen down is getting back to normal...

Has a chimney gone back up to replace the toppled one ? Am just back after three weeks of travels, was mighty scarce around the blogs, but hope to catch up a bit here now... it's good to be back...

Stickup Artist said...

What a life, and we call ourselves the "smart" ones. The animal kingdom seems a lot better at adapting to us than vice versa!

The Poet Laura-eate said...

My favourite can likes to lie on my chest gazing up at me adoringly and then reaching up a paw to touch my face.

Marginalia said...

I knew you'd get pawfuls of comments. Cats are magical and everyone should be given one (or more) the moment they can say "puss puss".


Ginga the Ninja

Rol said...

Simple, but very effective - and best use of the word 'rumbustious' ever!

The Sagittarian said...

Owen - so glad you could drop by, to say that we're sick of the aftershocks is an understatement! They keep coming, and this morning our bathroom ceiling caved in. Lucky no-one was in there at the time!

StickUp - I agree, I don't see myself being taken in by anyone if I had shedding fur, mouse breath and a habit of being lofty!!

Poet- aw, thats so cute! Is he ginger?

Dear Ginja Ninja - I am indeed honoured that you deigned to leave a comment. Thank you very, very much. You are puuurrfect.

Rol-Thanks, thats high praise from you (who I consider to be one of the best writers I have never met!) :-)