Thursday, October 25, 2007

Beware of sticking plaster, thats what I say. My 12 year is suddenly allergic to the stuff. She left hospital in a wheelchair, her feet both got worse than these pix actually show. Go figure, you get to 12 and you have had heaps of plasters on before....and now, medica alert bracelet and the works.


Steve said...

Oh my God - that looks so painful! And what an inconvenience! She has to go through the rest of her life avoiding sticking plasters?! Are there no alternatives? Here's hoping those angry looking blisters calm down ver soon!

Old Cheeser said...

Uggghh!! That's horrible! Her feet look like a Dr Who monster (had a get a reference in somewhere - actually I think she's been possessed by the Nucleus of the Swarm). Anyway I hope she recovers swiftly, the poor thing. Pretty bloody inconvenient though being allergic to plasters!!

The Sagittarian said...

Yep, the poor kid now will look like a leftover from the Civil Watr for something as simple as a minor knife wound. (OK, small exageration there) You get the picture tho', she can use paper tape to hold the bandages on. Still, other people have worse to deal with and at least we know what she is allergic to now...unfortunately, the stuff (colophony) is in other things and often has other names! Trial and error. But then again, growing up is sooo much fun anyway eh!!