Also, I had a very tearful phone call from my ex. Yes, THAT ex who has taken up with my "friend". His mother had a brain bleed (can't spell the real word) and not expected to live. So he rings me. Me???
Anyway, for right or wrong, I went t'hospickle...his sister is a good mate ok...he was there. His other sister was there too. It was like old times, me and the sisters...
His mum died last night, haven't had a call AT ALL from my "friend". Its all too weird for me. It was suggested that I do a reading at t'funeral. I won't though and will probably only stand quietly at the back and slip away before the after-match function. I'm off to have a vino. Its times like this that I wish I had more "naughty" habits!!!
what the?? they never let you go. and just imagine the state the former best friend is in. oh my. your man and your girls come first. but I don't need to tell you that, do I? hugs, Pixie. 2008 has got to be less eventful huh? we'll talk soon.
Amanda - I have to say think you're a star. That was above and beyond the call of duty. Hope Santa rewards you with something extra special. Have a fabulous Christmas with your family.
Your good deed for Christmas and no mistake!
But I guess you ended up doing it for his sisters more than anyone else if they were once friends too.
And mens' mothers always tend to love & miss you even if they can't be seen to condemn their precious son's behaviour! Though doubtless the rogue retains a residual soft spot for you! (albeit of minute significance to what you have in your life now obviously)
Funny how our personal links in life are seldom totally broken and can even seem a little cyclical when things happen to make them echo down the years.
Yes at least you were good enough to go to the hospital. Only so much you can do with exes!
Have a lovely NZ Xmas - Gustavo and I have already decided next Crimbo we WILL be going somewhere HOT!!
OC x
Thanks Pixie, am looking forward to our night out in Welly next month (I'd say "next year" but that sounds too far away)
Steve, thanks also to you for your kind wishes.
Laura - you're right, and I have decided that I am going to extricate mself from that long term ex area, it really is getting too messy now days. And there is no need for it in my own life now.
OC - anytime you fancy a New Zealand cristmas let me know! (I'll need to have a word with the weatherperson (see how PC I am!) as we have rather an unpredictable approach to weather here. Hot one day and freezing the next and thats just summer.
Merry ho ho ho to you all!
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