Today is the first day in the ninth year of NZ music month. Apparently each year the research boffins note that during May more NZ music is sold than in any other month. D'oh.
So, in honour of that fact I will post Kiwi music this month (more than I usually do) and I have decided that I will also claim it as NZ photography month (since I like to add my 2 cents worth when I get the chance). Hence the above photo which I took of a rather curious duck at Corsair Bay. This wee bay is very sheltered and only takes about 15 minutes to get to from our place, it is a favourite destination for picnics in our household! As you can also see, once I had taken the photo I played with it slightly and I really like the effect! If you click on the photo you see it in bigger detail -What do you think? (Nobody tell me I'm quackers please)
Here is a group I'm quite liking at the moment, even tho' I'm not entirely sure why. They are a bit "poppy" but some of their other stuff is good and I like the fact that my girls sing along. They also remind me of another group but for the life of me I can't recall just which group! Perhaps someone out there in cyberspace who has been kinder to their braincells than I have may be able to think of it.... Midnight Youth - enjoy!
Cool! It's like pick of the pops and pick of the pics!
P.S. Have done a bit of tinkering my side to fix that ol' blog link...
Hi Steve, I hope the music and pix don't disappoint anyone! Thanks for the tinkering...I dunno what you get but when I clicked on the link it was basic, no photos, pictures or anything and no access to comments...but for now, thats heaps better! Have a great weekend!
Great duck.......it must be nice living so close to the Bay.
Given that it is Music Month in NZ, I'll be on the phone later today with Mr. Browne, letting him know that it is high time he makes up for lost time, and to get his geezer bones down under in a hurry to organize a week long series of shows in small Christchurch bars where you will at last be able to get to the edge of the stage and display your... personal adoration, while getting a closer look at those jeans ! ;-D LOL Jackson did say on stage in Paris that he is dreaming of a lady in NZ... now I know who he was thinking of !
I like your duck shot, but what I really want to know is, are you sure that was chicken in the lovely looking dish you showed us a post down here ? You didn't lure him toward the camera with a nice crust of bread, flattering his photogenic desires, before pouncing on him to carve him up and cook him for dinner ??? I can see the feathers flying !
And also the question your paragraph here begs is : So what on earth have you been doing to your brain cells ??? You don't have to answer that !
And lastly, thanks so much for your comment this morning, I see you have perhaps expanded the definition of "lucky sod" to include: "One who flagrantly flaunts his forays to fabulously fun concerts for which many kiwi women would have killed for the chance to attend...". Am I right?
Happy Weekend to you !
Villager - it is indeed great to have such a lovely playground almost on our doorstep! The lucky thing with this city is that really you can be somewhere else in a very short time.
Owen - yep, I can tell you have a "sod" dictionary handy. As for duck, well I don't really like eating it that much. I think this is due to an early bad experience eating one but that, as they say, is a story for another day...it will fall in nicely with the brain cell explanation!
Happy NZ music month.
I know what you mean re that track - it does remind me of something else too but I can't think what. That's not very helpful is it?
And yes, I will come to NZ sometime soon. Prepare yourself!!!
Love Corsair Bay Duck. I think he'll be big!
PS Loved your pun this morning... many frogs in France in fact are missing limbs, but usually it is the lower appendages that have been amputated to feed the demand for frog's legs in restaurants. My frog was unfortunately the victim of an error in a kitchen that was working too fast. So although she may appear to be armless, and therefore 'armless, do not be deceived, for she retains what is any woman's most dangerous arm... her tongue !
Just in case, am leaving this here as well :
Dear Sagit, You are definitely bad ! I think a litte tar and feathers will be coming your way ! I'm afraid if this gets out on Twitter that I'll end up with egg on my face, it's certainly nothing to crow about ! Poached indeed... The duck in your latest photo is groaning aloud at all these bird-brained musings...
And now that I think of it, it was you who started me thinking about puns yesterday with your 'armless little comment ! So you are the guilty party !
Hey - you fixed the link! Nice one!
RB - yay, I'll put the wine in the fridge (actually tonight it would cool down nicely outside - its cold enough)
Poet - yeah, he's pretty cool for a duck!
Owen - crikey, I may well have to admit defeat! Well punned.
Steve - I'd love to take the credit but I don't quite know what I did...but I'm delighted you're back!
Now you're seeing invisible raccoon ladies ??? Are you hearing any voices too ??? Have to admit I was crowing with laughter and spewing my tea out my nose when I saw that... it reminds me of a terrible joke I remember about The Invisible Man, Wonder Woman, and Super Man... but I can't tell that here ! LOL !!!
Excellent idea, we'll invite the Talking Heads too ! I love David Byrne, and the movie Stop Making Sense was utterly awesome... Ah, I can see a road trip around NZ with the Sagittarian family would be a great time, you must have a great music collection ! BTW, did Jackson get back to you??? He said he would when we hung up the other day...
Owen - I know that joke!! So thank you for your erm...decorum! As for Mr Brown, if you see him remind him to get his eloquently be-jeaned bottom down here poste haste. Merci.
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