The Scowly Teen has a work day for raising funds for the school today. Haha, she is working at the Day Care Centre she used to attend as a georgeous wee cherub. When I left her this morning I think she was thinking of running after me, clutching my leg and begging me not to leave her there - why? Her first task was to dry some dishes! I smirked my way to the car feeling 6ft tall and bullet proof!
The weather is now cold - laugh all you want. We have semi-naked trees in the back yard and a red/gold carpet of leaves from here to next week. It does look beautiful but the Limping Cat has a bit of bother hopping her way through it all. Not much of an improvement with Daisy unfortunately and I sense a bigger Vet bill coming soon. The Stud maintains a bullet would be cheaper. Yeah fine, let him explain that one to the kids.
Our Government delivered their budget over night. I still haven't quite worked out the logic behind giving those in the HIGH earning bracket a huge tax cut compared to those in the lower. Perhaps they are scared that those on $20,000 a year or less will just squander their money on frivilous things like food and clothing for their kids - best to give them $14 per week more and let those on $80,000 or more have an extra $50 odd eh? Yeah, right.