Saturday, March 13, 2010

Playing about

During my trip down south I took a few photos but mostly of sheep! Now that I'm home and the Scowly Teen is off out and has left the seat at the PC unduarded, I stole the opportunity to visit Picnik (thanks to Violet Sky I found that site) and played about until my sheep looked like this! What do you think?

Driving towards Dyunedin from Balclutha I have often passed this fence and always thought "Must get a photo of that" and this time I actually did! For some reason someone tied a pair of shoes to this fence, then someone else did and then another and get the idea. I wonder why the fence owners never 'shooed" them away, maybe they didn't want to be heels? Maybe it gives their property soul?

I have been away most of last week. I will be away Monday to Thursday night of the new week. It hasn't hit me yet but I love this band.


Steve said...

I bet the smell emanating from that fence keeps people away - what a great security feature!

Anonymous said...

Yep! That is Plurry good music!

Meggie said...

That was meggie, with the Plurry. I am on a borrowed Laptop... what a curve this is!

Lynne with an e said...

That flock of Picniking sheep is indeed wild and woolly! Has a slight tinge of Armageddon to it, somehow. Sheep At The End Of The World.

I think the Old Soles' Resting Place fence should be made into a national treasure. At one of the pit stops on the highway from NB to Quebec, there's an ever-increasing collection of shoes flung up high on a telephone pole wire. Probably a tourist from Dunedin started it.

Blue Rodeo: classic Canadian.

The Sagittarian said...

Louciao-haha, I like the national treasure idea. Some fences have bra's on them...can you imagine that!! I have no idea what would prompt someone to tie their shoes to a fence let alone hang loose and tie their bra to one!

Owen said...

Love the shoes on the fence ! But am thinking someone laced your coffee with something stronger for you to be back to your punning ways again... And I agree with Steve, the odor must be horrific, especially after it rains and they are damp...

Anonymous said...

I love the fence, it makes me love people.