Sunday, January 16, 2011

Silent Sunday


Steve said...

Clouds like this look like another country altogether...

Holly said...

Wow, that sunset definitely was pretty! Also, yay for one neighbour still having a chimney left! :P

Lynne with an e said...

Wow, a tangerine sky. "What does it meeeeaaaaannnnnn?"

Owen said...

Looks like it must be on another planet... maybe Venus or Mercury, so close to the sun that the sky literally glows like it's on fire. Was this sunset or sunrise ???

So have the tremblors calmed down a bit since you started making offerings to the earth gods by pouring champagne down storm drains???

Hope your friends/family in Brisbane came through last week ok ? My daughter's exchange family is ok, they couldn't get home for a few days, but their house is on a hill, so it wasn't flooded, but just a few blocks away from them, everything was under water.

Looks like 2011 is getting off to just as great a start as 2010, except this time it's floods instead of earthquakes...

I think it is safe to assume that the collective earth and weather gods are seriously pissed off at us. Maybe you can start looking for a way to spray champagne up in the sky to try to appease the weather gods a bit ???

The Poet Laura-eate said...

Hawaii or NZ? What breathtaking photos!

The Sagittarian said...

Steve- I know, such a magical evening! Looks like Gallifrey...actually, I took a photo in Brisbane one year which was similar to this one (but the Ozzie sky was more red).

Holly - hi there, welcome! I'm thinking you must be in Christchurch? I'll drop by your site for a wee visit! :-)

Louciao- Um, I thnk it meant that the winds were going to die down and that we'd have 34 degrees on Sunday...(yahoo)

Owen-Sunset, fabulous eh? As for the shakes, I personally haven't felt any for afew days now which always gets me suspicious these days! Our family in Oz were all fine, had a niece and her family evacuated but there all ok. What a start to the year! Oddly enough, or luckily I guess, we wouldnormally be in Brisbane at this time of year but since we blew the budget going there for the funeral in June we missed the floods.

Interesting theory about spraying champers at the sky, not sure that would really work given that motor racing guys waste bubbly like that too but it doesn't stop it raining for them. I think it might be safer to quietly quaff in our own safe places and keep a 'weather eye' on things from there, what do you reckon?

Poet- NZ all the way, baby!

Anonymous said...

It might be a kind of 'wrinting' humankind is still to learn to read. Wonderful photography. Please have you all a good new week.

daily athens